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Food temptation - How can we avoid this?

Food temptation - How can we avoid this? We eat a lot of food. We eat more than we need. And it's not just you and me, you will see the whole world,

We eat a lot of food. We eat more than we need. And it's not just you and me, you will see the whole world is acting the same. Food became a part of addiction. It became a source to distract our minds too. Food is necessary for living but we start to act like we are living for food.

It's really very hard to avoid food temptation. Because we made food very available. You will get to see a lot of ads, you will come across different restaurants and foodservice. So if even you want to hold your temptation and limit your food intake, you may fail. But that doesn't mean everyone is in the same boat. There are many who is successfully avoiding food temptation. Let's see how we can do that?

Drinking a lot of water can be an initial measure to avoid food temptation. Because when your stomach is full you will not feel to take more food. Also, drinking water automatically reduce our craving for food. But it will not work every time. We need to have control over our desire. And to do that we have to focus on a healthy lifestyle. Exercising, timely food intake, eating more healthy food, more protein can help us do that.

However, avoiding our desire for food is not easy. We have to be aware of what usually arise our temptation. Because there's a link between food intake and mental health. People will higher stress are more likely to take more food. So if you are struggling to find ways to avoid temptation, maybe you need to notice your mental health too.

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