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It's okay to 'not do something noticeable' for now!

It's okay to 'not do something noticeable' for now! We all can't write the best seller book, we all can't be the best actor, we even can't be 'anythin

We all can't write the best seller book, we all can't be the best actor, we even can't be 'anything'. So, is this okay to be a commoner?

I know this question is not just mine. Maybe you ask yourself this question many times or maybe you have this question in your subconscious mind. It's not uncommon. Because most of us are commoners. And, when we start to feel 'others' are doing this or that and we are not even doing anything 'noticeable' it makes us feel we are good for nothing.

Think this way...

Our life is a huge puzzle. Every life matters here because every piece of life is a valuable part of this huge puzzle. And maybe it will seem like many puzzles will not make any difference but we will be dead wrong. If you remove any of it, the whole game will fall down.

Ask yourself if you are doing your part right? If the answer id YES then feel very good about yourself because that's what matters. You don't have to 'achieve' something, you don't have to 'prove' something, you don't have to be 'different'. It's totally okay to be a commoner, it's fine to not achieve something 'noticeable'.

Appreciate what you have, who you are. We all can't be the same hero and we need not be. There's no pride to be in that way. If you are here, that's great. But if you are not. It's totally fine. Remember, the puzzle game. You are a valuable part of it and appreciate your life.

Thankfulness and gratitude can ask always every 'bad feeling' about ourselves. And thus we can understand it better that, 'being a commoner' is also a great thing!

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