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Self-control - Why this is necessary?

Self-control - Why this is necessary? My life, my rule, became one of the common taglines for many

'My life, my rule' became one of the common taglines for many. I sometimes feel very wired when I see people saying this but actually in their life they don't follow rules. Or maybe they fail to reflects what they believe. Talking about this one thing comes in front of us and that's self-control.

We don't know our boundaries, we don't set any strict rules for life and even many don't realize the necessity of these. Yeah, life should be what you feel best for you. But when our act or behavior impacts negatively on ours as well as others' life; I don't say that's a good life. And that's why self-control is necessary.

We have to understand that self-control is not just about anger-management and having control over what we are saying. It's more about having control over our emotions, setting boundaries for our own good, and having the ability to shape our lives as we want.

Not just for mental well being, self-control has many physical wellbeings too. People who have better self-control feel less stress, have good control over food intake, and make the right choices in life. Also, when it comes to have better grip on every aspect of life, we can't deny the necessity of self-control.

Moreover, self-control has a direct connection to our happiness. When we learn to take control and responsibility for our actions, we can also learn to accept everything, and thus it will improve our level of happiness. More importantly, we can be clear about our goals, perspectives of life.

So, I guess there's no need to say anymore why we need to have more self-control. It's your turn now to practice it in your daily life!

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