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The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Memory

The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Memory, In The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Blueprint by DNA Health and Fitness coach

In The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Blueprint by DNA Health and Fitness coach and author Michelle probes deeper into the possible causes of ailments we suffer from. She uncovers why there are disorders of neurotransmitters in our bodies, why toxins are building up in our tissue, and why stress is both a cause and result of imbalances in our biology. She also goes into explaining the relationship between the environment, nutrition, genetics and neurotransmitters. The end result of this is that she provides a better understanding of what we can do to heal ourselves from within through natural means and how altering our diet can positively impact the way our body functions naturally. One of the topics she addresses is the issue of environmental toxins causing neurological illnesses.

The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Memory

As we continue to eat the foods our ancestors ate, we are getting heavier, sicker, and having chronic diseases because of our reliance on synthetic chemicals in the foods we eat. Our bodies are becoming polluted at an alarming rate because of the trace amounts of heavy metals found in our water and the residues of pesticides and other synthetic ingredients we find in our foods. We have become so out of touch with what nature offers us that it is no wonder we have so many health problems.

When we eat, our bodies release hormones that stimulate our appetites. What we eat will affect the production and release of these hormones and how long they stay in our system. Michelle believes that if we reduce our food intake and eat only the food our bodies need, we can balance out our hormones and return our energy levels to where they should be. Not only does she address the importance of food intake, but she provides a number of suggestions as to how to prepare meals that will help you get the nutrients you need more efficiently. Some foods that will help you feel fuller are apples, carrots, lettuce, celery, peas, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, and salmon.

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and nuts will provide you with all the necessary nutrients. These are also good for you because they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are not only good for your health, but will prevent diseases and sicknesses from developing in your body. The same holds true for meats, fish, and poultry. If you eliminate meat, fish, and poultry from your diet you will drastically reduce your fat and calorie intake, but you will also increase the amount of nutrients that are left within your system.

Many people worry about eating the right things. Michelle understands this concern and she provides a solution to those that may be concerned about what they are eating because of their genetic makeup. She will provide recipes that are easy to follow that are healthy and that will still satisfy cravings. By controlling your genetic makeup you can eat healthy meals and feel great. Eating healthy is not only good for your body, but it is also good for your spirit. You will feel vibrant, happy, and energized every day of your life if you are eating the right foods.

The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Memory

The truth about controlling your genetic makeup lies in the fact that your body is yours and it was made by God. Nature is all around us and nature knows no bounds. We are all connected and our bodies and lives are intertwined. The foods you eat are very important because they are the fuel that helps keep your body running smoothly.

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