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Trust Comes Only With Some Great Measures And An Open Mind

Trust Comes Only With Some Great Measures And An Open Mind, We can be honest enough to say that we have no faith in blind faith. It is very easy to...

We can be honest enough to say that we have no faith in blind faith. It is very easy to give blind faith to someone else's motives, especially when it is someone we trust implicitly. When we are at work, we rely on our managers and supervisors not to treat us unfairly, but if they do they are more than willing to deceive us. We can't blindly believe someone who tells us we are working hard and being loyal when the whole world knows differently. The only way to have full faith in a management system is to scrutinize its activities both inside and outside of the office.

Trust Comes Only With Some Great Measures And An Open Mind

There will always be conflicts in people's actions and emotions. Sometimes these conflicts are predictable and even expected. At other times, however, these conflicts are unexpected and we have to take action. We have to trust someone with our blind faith because if we don't we will never really have faith in anything.

This requires not blind faith, but active participation on the part of the person we are trusting. We have to ask, insist and verify whether or not the management practice they promised they would follow is actually happening. If the management isn't following through on their promises to us then we should get suspicious. If they aren't following through then we have to get very suspicious.

This doesn't mean that the person with whom we are trusting blindly should be trusted completely. You will still need to verify information and ensure that there is some level of accountability for the management's behavior. However, the blind faith must end somewhere. Management needs to tell you what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. You need to know why they did what they did and what is going to happen in the future.

Trust Comes Only With Some Great Measures And An Open Mind

I remember when I was in college and lived with two roommates. One of them decided one night to go on an incredible binge drinking spree. Within a few hours, my friends and I had to sleep on the couch because there were no longer any other places for us to live. Eventually they returned, refreshed and renewed, and they took all my belongings while ignoring me and my friends.

What can this blind faith do? Well, let me tell you. When my girlfriend of 10 years moved out of the dorm room she left behind many personal items including our electronics, books and various other material items. A couple weeks later the new owner was more than kind and gave me access to them. I haven't looked at any of the stuff since. Now I'm glad that I had a backup.

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